Why do testers often use the single quote ( ‘ ) to test for SQL injection?
It has been seen that security testers input either ‘ or ; into the application entry points to test for SQL injection. Why are these characters used?
It has been seen that security testers input either ‘ or ; into the application entry points to test for SQL injection. Why are these characters used?
When I push/pull repos on GitHub over SSH, sometimes there will a message about unidentified server which asks if I want to trust and add it to known_hosts. Apparently this is because GitHub has multiple IPs.
What I don’t understand is why…
I want to have users log in by entering an email, and then proving that they control that email. I only care that they do control the email, and so want to avoid add another password to the process if I can safely defer to the security gua…
The FireEye Labs Advanced Reverse Engineering (FLARE) Team continues
to share knowledge and tools with the community. We started this blog
series with a script for Automatic
Recovery of Constructed Strings in Malware. As always, you can
The FireEye Labs Advanced Reverse Engineering (FLARE) Team continues
to share knowledge and tools with the community. We started this blog
series with a script for Automatic
Recovery of Constructed Strings in Malware. As always, you can
Is it possible to configure an access point to use one-time passwords for authentication and encryption ?
Today we released four security bulletins addressing 42 unique CVE’s. One bulletin has a maximum severity rating of Critical and the other three have maximum severity Important. This table is designed to help you prioritize the deployment of updates ap…
In Linux, do sudo and su belong to Capability-based security ?
For example, when editing a system file, we usually need sudo or su to temporarily switch to user root. Does this example belong to capability-based security, or to protection…