Why are the gitlab SSH host key fingerprints not matching?
I tried to log into my university's gitlab via SSH. As expected, I was warned that the host is not known. Therefore, I tried to find the SSH host key on the "current configuration" page in the manual. However, I found that the key does not match the key that SSH shows me on the first connect.
To demonstrate this, here you can find the respective "instance_configuration" page for gitlab.com. The RSA-SHA256 fingerprint is said to be
Using the script I found on this superuser post (or when connecting via SSH for the first time) I am told that the RSA-SHA256 for the SSH host is
which is
in hexadecimal (and hopefully matches what you see… or not).
My questions: Should'nt these be equal? Did I miss something? How can I verify that the SSH connection is secure?