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Does it make sense to use CloudFlare’s DNS in addition to NordVPN?

Çağlar Arlı      -    16 Views

Does it make sense to use CloudFlare’s DNS in addition to NordVPN?

Starting at the Computer level, NordVPN gets installed. But according to the experts who know a lot better, a VPN isn't good enough.

So going to the router's IPv4 network settings, the default DNS is changed from the ISPs default DNS (which would have been clearly listed there on the router page), over to Cloudfare's and

But does that make sense to do that?

As I was thinking about this setup, I wondered if it made sense to set the VPN at the router level, too (supports OpenVPN), but figured it would be easier (for a novice who doesn't want to mess up router settings) to install the VPN's provided software, instead.

I tested this thing on ipleak.net, it displayed back a DNS from a Cloudfare server, it showed an IP address from the country where the NordVPN connection was being served from, and it recognized that a proxy was being used (which it threw in with "Your IP addresses"). Since ipleak.net was able to recognize everything I set up, I get the feeling I'm still doing it wrong, but since all the information displayed was wrong, I get the feeling I'm doing it right. Right or wrong?