• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

Does Routersploit install any malware or executables on my PC?

Çağlar Arlı      -    0 Views

Does Routersploit install any malware or executables on my PC?

If I install Routersploit on my PC, would it install any malware or executable binaries as part of it to PC? Even though developers of Routersploit do not have any nefarious intention to add malware, my limited understanding about exploits is that they may contain executable malware or binaries. Which they use as payloads.

My fear is that if I install Routersploit, it may install some binaries as part of its payloads and this binaries may make my PC vulnurable to any other malwares. I know router executables and executables for PC are different. Binaries intended for one may not work on another, still I want to know if there is even a slight chance of risk. I use an LUbuntu PC.

The reason I am worried about this is, I want to test a router for vulnerabilities and I have only one computer to do it. It's a legacy one so installing virtual machine is not possible.