• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

How should the grant type of an oauth2 access token be preserved after refreshing it using refresh grant?

Çağlar Arlı      -    39 Views

How should the grant type of an oauth2 access token be preserved after refreshing it using refresh grant?

Let's say I got an access token of the "authorization code" grant type. After the expiration of it, I would refresh it using the refresh grant. Then I'll get a new token. Is the grant type of the new token still the same as the "authorization code" or "refresh grant"?

Should an authorization server preserve the grant type history for future use? If not, how to know what is the original grant type of the token? Is there a standard way? I checked multiple specifications (rfc6750, rfc7662, rfc6749) and I could not find any info related to it.