• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

Ubuntu upgrade changed my home directory permissions – malicious or mistake?

Çağlar Arlı      -    52 Views

Ubuntu upgrade changed my home directory permissions – malicious or mistake?

My setup

I have a private server (Ubuntu 22.04.4) that I use as a test server for my web development code.

  • Every couple of weeks I update it (sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade -y). I don't usually pay attention to what got updated.
  • My server sits behind a firewall and is supposed to be only accessible from specific IPs

Update broke ssh connectivity

Yesterday (7/10/2024), after the update process ran from my remote client (I am not sure what got updated or even if the update was successful or not), I noticed that I couldn't ssh into the server using public key authentication. Upon some investigation, I realized that the permissions on my home directory got changed to +w for group and others.

Was it malicious?

I am trying to figure out if that change was malicious or simply some misconfigured update script. Is it possible for me to figure out the answer from any logs or something? Is it such a common occurrence that I shouldn't even worry about it?