• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

Is receiving login codes you didn’t ask for a security concern?

Çağlar Arlı      -    26 Views

Is receiving login codes you didn’t ask for a security concern?

In the last few days, i received emails from Microsoft with login codes. AFAIK Microsoft login works without password but with sending those codes to an alternate email.

In this email, Microsoft states, that if I didn't try to log in I should just ignore this email.

But should I really, if it happens every few hours, like 4 times per day?

There is the possibility that whoever attempts to log in will just guess the 6-digit code - it's very low, but there is the possibility.

I don't know what I should do, as my intuition tells me that this is a concern, yet the mail says I shouldn't worry.

Also it's not sure what I could do, as I can't change the account name (mail address) and as the password is not used to log in, changing it, doesn't stop the "attacker". I changed it just in case it could have been leaked alongside the mail. (although the mail might not have been really leaked, to attract some attacker as it is a very short address)

This is the mail I am receiving multiple times a day:


We have received your request for a one-time code for your Microsoft account.

Your one-time code is: ******

If you did not request this code, you can ignore this email as your email address may have been entered accidentally by someone else.

Sincerely, Your Microsoft Account Team Privacy Statement: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=521839 | Imprint: https://aka.ms/impressum_de Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052