• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

Stolen certificate attack in MITM attack [duplicate]

Çağlar Arlı      -    41 Views

Stolen certificate attack in MITM attack [duplicate]

Let say there is a client want to connect over https to a server. There is me, the attacker, in the middle between the client to the gateway. The attacker (me) see that the client want to do TLS handshake (client hello) with some server. Now, I am pretending to be the server and send back to the client the server stolen certificate, the exact same certificate. The client will see that this certificate is approved by root CA. To really see that this is the server the client check the digital signature. However, this data is already in the certificate (which is public) so the client will think I am the real server. When choosing a key exchange method the attacker will choose DH method which does not require the private key of the real server.

What am I missing?