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Why does trusting a wifi network mean that I don’t need to enable the VPN?

Çağlar Arlı      -    25 Views

Why does trusting a wifi network mean that I don’t need to enable the VPN?

Confusing Settings (to me)
In the connection settings of a common commercial VPN, you have the option to trust or not trust a network. I'm assuming that one should trust their home network (maybe I'm wrong).

When you "trust" a network, the VPN lets you know that it won't auto-connect its VPN when you're connected to the trusted network -- you have to either manually connect to the VPN or un-trust the network. Here's a screenshot from "connection settings":

screenshot of connection settings page

Why this is confusing (to me)
I was under the impression that a VPN hides my network.

Let's say a bad actor is trying to send their malware packets to me, that is, my network. In order to find me, they start hopping backwards, from IP Address to IP Address, until they get to me and deliver their poisoned pills.

However, with a VPN, they get to the VPN's network, instead of mine. That's where the trail ends, they bad actor can't trace past the VPN's network, rendering my network hidden. No malware packets for me!

If that's how it works, then whether I trust my own network shouldn't make a difference. It's not that I do or don't trust my own network, it's that I don't trust anything outside of my network.

What am I missing here?