• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

Does the permutation cycle of a PRNG change completely with different seeds?

Çağlar Arlı      -    7 Views

Does the permutation cycle of a PRNG change completely with different seeds?

Apologies if this seems like a trivial question.

I've been learning PRNG and cryptographic basics and I don't think I've found an answer to this question (At least that I understand).

My understanding is that a PRNG has an internal state which is seeded with another random number (or semi-random such as epoch time). This seed dictates what point the state starts in its permutation cycle which is defined as 2^n (n being the total bits of its state).

My question is that given given two instances of the same PRNG (such as MWC1616 or a LCG) with two different seeds, does their permutation cycle change so that one seed may never generate a number that would be contained in the cycle of the other instance or do they both exist within the same cycle just at a different point along it?