• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

Can I run DVWA on my attacker machine?

Çağlar Arlı      -    3 Views

Can I run DVWA on my attacker machine?

I have Kali Linux running as a host OS. I was having problems with VirtualBox so I decided to install DVWA on the same Kali installation. Right now I am practicing File Upload vulnerabilities.

The question is, does this solution make sense or does my DVWA absolutely have to be on another machine (i.e. one on VirtualBox)? I'm asking because it feels weird to try obtain a shell on a machine I can just type ctrl + alt + t to get the shell on. But maybe it's still possible to go through the steps and learn a thing or two. Otherwise I just bite the bullet and get VirtualBox to work and then have DVWA run on Ubuntu or something.