• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

IP hack of website

Çağlar Arlı      -    33 Views

IP hack of website

I am being hacked orestone.net. One of my websites is non-function. No matter what I do I keep getting the message: (translated from Chinese) In the future, in the future

Please feel free to contact us on our website!


Let's make your IP a new one!
Let's make a new one!

The final message:

To log into the website, view the website, view the website, view the website, view the website;
In the future, in the future;
If you want to connect to CDN, please contact CDN.
To write a book, write a book.

I deleted the Wordpress installation - keeps coming, so there are no bad codes in Wordpress. Must be a change of IP somehow Have any idea what to look for?