• caglararli@hotmail.com
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benefit to reading sensitive file chunks via a "middleman" shell script?

Çağlar Arlı      -    3 Views

benefit to reading sensitive file chunks via a "middleman" shell script?

tldr: is using a script spawned by my main process, which reads only a chunk of a sensitive file then passing the result to my main process - of any benefit?

in contrast to loading the file in my main process?


I'm building my first CLI app as a personal project. The CLI app is supposed to be downloadable/installable by 3rd party users.

The app uses a Personal Access Token to authenticate the user with service A (which they already use) and perform some useful utilities.

  • The user is instructed to:
  • Log in to his account with service A.
  • Create a token (with the smallest amount of scope/least-priviledges) as possible..
  • Save the token in their netrc file.

This is an atrocious UX flow, but for starters it does the job.

The problem I have is that the .netrc file contains credentials for other services. I absolutely do not want to compromise those credentials for my users and bearing in mind I am a careless person that doesn't know any better sometimes, I have thought of the following process:

Rather than read the entire file in my own process:

  • Create a script that searches for a match in netrc.
  • The scripts takes only 1 parameter, an env. variable FILEPATH which points to the .netrc location. The matching keyword and the number of lines to match are not parameterised.
  • If a match is found, it reads the next 2 lines + the matching line.
  • Echoes it back to my process.

The purpose of this is simple (to me at least):

I don't want to load the entire netrc of the user in my own process.

Is this an entirely stupid idea? Semi-stupid?

Here's the scripts I'm using:


  • greps for "api.foo.com". If found, fetch it, plus the next 2 lines.

  • reads env. var NRCPATH which points to the .netrc path.

  • unix-only for now.

#!/usr/bin/env bash


grep -A2 "api.foo.com" "$CLEAN_NRCPATH" | grep -v -- "^--$"


executes the shell script: get-netrc-chunk via childProcess.execFile:

  • does not pass shell arguments
  • sets an env. var: NRCPATH pointing to the .netrc file path, which it calculates by joining homedir and ~/.netrc
import { join } from 'node:path'
import { promisify } from 'node:util'
import { execFile  as execFileAsync } from 'node:child_process'
import { chmod } from 'node:fs/promises'
import { homedir } from 'node:os'

const execFile = promisify(execFileAsync)

const grepChunkFromNetRC = async () => {
  // import the shell script file
  const netrcEntry = join(import.meta.dirname, 'grep-netrc-chunk')
  // elevate permissions to "read & execute"
  await chmod(netrcEntry, 0o500)
  // execute the shell script
  const { stdout, stderr } = await execFile(netrcEntry, {
    windowsHide: true,
    maxBuffer: 256,
    env: Object.freeze({ NRCPATH: join(homedir(), '.netrc') })
  // downgrade permissions
  await chmod(netrcEntry, 0o000)
  if (stderr.length)
    throw new Error(stderr)

  // split stdout by newline and return the first 3 lines
  // this is already done by the shell script, but since 
  // today is an all-you-can-eat paranoia buffet, do it here too.
  return Object.freeze(stdout.trim().split('\n').slice(0, 3)) 

export { grepChunkFromNetRC }