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gpg decrypt without keyring

Çağlar Arlı      -    26 Views

gpg decrypt without keyring

Here's how to import a key to keyring, decrypt files with it, then delete the key from keyring.

gpg --import ~/alice.asc # input passphrase
gpg --edit-key alice trust # input 5, input y, Ctrl+C
gpg --decrypt-files -r alice ~/ciphertext/*.asc # input same passphrase again
gpg --delete-secret-key alice # input y, input y, Enter, Enter
gpg --delete-key alice # input y

Can I do this entire thing in a single command? Is there a way to decrypt files without having to load keys into the keyring?

I would like:

gpg --some-magic-option --key ~/alice.asc ~/ciphertext/*.asc
# input passphrase only once