Tor WebTunnel doesn’t work, Russia [migrated]
I try to use command-line Tor with Safari on Mac, to bypass Russian government censorship.
Until recently, I used obfs4 transport, and it worked fine. Few days ago, it stopped working. I tried to request new bridges, but each time I tried to connect, it stopped at 2%. My torrc looked like this:
UseBridges 1
ClientTransportPlugin obfs4 exec /opt/homebrew/bin/obfs4proxy
Bridge obfs4 ...
Bridge obfs4 ...
I decided to try the most modern, most robust transport: WebTunnel.
Now my torrc looks like this:
UseBridges 1
ClientTransportPlugin meek_lite,obfs4,scramblesuit,webtunnel exec "/Applications/Tor Browser.app/Contents/MacOS/Tor/PluggableTransports/lyrebird"
Bridge webtunnel ...
Bridge webtunnel ...
The bridges were obtainer here: https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges?transport=webtunnel
But each time I try to connect, I got the following messages:
[notice] Bootstrapped 0% (starting): Starting
[notice] Starting with guard context "bridges"
[notice] Delaying directory fetches: No running bridges
And that's it. Nothing happens after this.
How to make WebTunnel work, in Russia? Or at least how to make command-line Tor work at all? Please, help me.