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What was the "random" number Sony used for the PS3?

Çağlar Arlı      -    7 Views

What was the "random" number Sony used for the PS3?

I've read that fail0verflow was able to hack the PS3 because Sony used a static number for the random number generator.

I'm just really curious, what number was used? 42? 4? 7669773?

Please note that this question is not about finding the ECDSA private key that Sony used to make these signatures (i.e. C5 B2 BF A1 A4 13 DD 16 F2 6D 31 C0 F2 ED 47 20 DC FB 06 70). Rather, this question is about finding the value of k that Sony used to make these signatures. For ECDSA, k should be randomly generated (and therefore unique) for each signature made using the same private key. But, as failOverflow showed, Sony got it wrong by reusing the same k for multiple signatures. What value did Sony use for k?

See https://yingtongli.me/blog/2019/01/28/crypto-failures.html for more info.