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How do I capture HTTPS requests with Python if I have full access to the user’s computer

Çağlar Arlı      -    52 Views

How do I capture HTTPS requests with Python if I have full access to the user’s computer

Before any of you answer, "HTTPS is built on top of TLS and everything is encrypted"

I need to specify a very important note: I have FULL access to the client's machine (Windows)

My requirement is that I need to capture HTTP(s) requests

Below is the example code to run on the windows machine to capture HTTP requests

import scapy.all as scapy
from scapy.layers import http, tls
from scapy.arch.windows import get_windows_if_list
from pprint import pprint

SELF_IP = scapy.get_if_addr("Ethernet")

def sniff(interface):
    scapy.sniff(iface=interface, store=False, prn=process_packet)

def process_packet(packet: scapy.Packet):
    if packet.haslayer(http.HTTPRequest):
        url = packet[http.HTTPRequest].Host.decode() + packet[http.HTTPRequest].Path.decode()
        fields = packet[http.HTTPRequest].fields
        # print(packet[http.HTTPRequest]
        print(f"[+] HTTP Request >> {url}")

def print_interfaces():
    interfaces = get_windows_if_list(extended=True)
    for interface in interfaces:
        # print(interface['name'] + " " + interface['guid'])

# print_interfaces()


I've heard that, to decrpyt HTTPS requests, I need to find the private key, now where do I find this private key and how do I go about decrypting those HTTPS requests