• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

Why do some SSL clients need a full certificate chain and others don’t? [duplicate]

Çağlar Arlı      -    35 Views

Why do some SSL clients need a full certificate chain and others don’t? [duplicate]

I was setting up a private docker repository and by mistake, I included the server certificate without a full certificate chain.

I can access the repository (https://privserver1.64hosts.com:5004/) with Chrome, and Chrome reports the SSL certificate to be valid and shows the entire certificate chain.

But trying to access the same repository using docker login privserver1.64hosts.com:5004 - enter any username/password), I am getting an error x509: certificate signed by unknown authority.

When I try openssl s_client -showcerts -connect privserver1.64hosts.com:5004, it also reports being unable to verify the certificate.

OTOH, curl https://privserver1.64hosts.com:5004 somehow manages to verify the certificate.

All clients are running on the same Windows machine, so it's not a matter of different CA certificates installed on different client machines.

The problem is easily resolved by using a certificate with the whole chain included, but I wonder, why do some SSL clients (docker, openssl) require a full certificate chain on the server and others (Chrome, curl) do not? An SSL connection is an SSL connection, why the difference?