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PKCS#11 Forwarding: Clarifying Client and Server Confusion

Çağlar Arlı      -    3 Views

PKCS#11 Forwarding: Clarifying Client and Server Confusion

I am trying to follow this tutorial https://p11-glue.github.io/p11-glue/p11-kit/manual/remoting.html , but there are many points making me confused.

  • Which side is pkcs11 server?

It said "Setting up the PKCS#11 forwarding server on a local client". So I understand that my local machine plays a role as p11 server, where directly connects with smart-card (in the later set up I use softhsm as a smart card). They mention the P11_KIT_SERVER_ADDRESS, but the command is executed on the "local client," which is confusing.

  • Which side is the pkcs11 client?

In session "Preparing the remote system for PKCS#11 socket forwarding". "Forwarding the PKCS#11 socket", they locate the user runtime directory, but one of them is done by "ssh". So I thought the runtime directory was on the remote system. (They also use term remote server or remote host)

As bellowed I describe the step by step I have done in 2 containers, A - as my local machine, and B-as a remote host. I use softhsm for a stimulated smart card. On local machine A:

$ p11tool --list-tokens
Token 0:
    URL: pkcs11:model=p11-kit-trust;manufacturer=PKCS%2311%20Kit;serial=1;token=System%20Trust
    Label: System Trust
    Type: Trust module
    Flags: uPIN uninitialized
    Manufacturer: PKCS#11 Kit
    Model: p11-kit-trust
    Serial: 1
    Module: p11-kit-trust.so

Token 1:
    URL: pkcs11:model=SoftHSM%20v2;manufacturer=SoftHSM%20project;serial=d1472478b9829554;token=mimi
    Label: mimi
    Type: Generic token
    Flags: RNG, Requires login
    Manufacturer: SoftHSM project
    Model: SoftHSM v2
    Serial: d1472478b9829554
    Module: /usr/local/lib/softhsm/libsofthsm2.so

So, there are 2 tokens available on machine A. I also need to create runtime dir on local host. Otherwise it shows error when I do p11-kit server --provider ...

export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/$(id -u)-today
chmod 700 $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
p11-kit server --provider /usr/local/lib/softhsm/libsofthsm2.so "pkcs11:model=SoftHSM%20v2;manufacturer=SoftHSM%20project;serial=01165599c52ea1fe;token=mimi"
P11_KIT_SERVER_ADDRESS=unix:path=/tmp/0-today/p11-kit/pkcs11-73; export P11_KIT_SERVER_ADDRESS;

On remote host - B (

root@1de661b77dbd:~# export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/$(id -u)-nginx
root@1de661b77dbd:~# mkdir -p $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR && chmod 700 $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
root@1de661b77dbd:~# systemd-path user-runtime
root@1de661b77dbd:~#  systemctl enable p11-kit-client.service
Failed to enable unit, unit p11-kit-client.service does not exist.
root@1de661b77dbd:~# systemctl list-unit-files | grep p11
p11-kit-client.service                 enabled  enabled
root@1de661b77dbd:~# mkdir /tmp/0-nginx/p11-kit 

I tried to ssh from A to machine B with ssh -R /tmp/0-nginx/p11-kit/pkcs11:${P11_KIT_SERVER_ADDRESS#*=} root@ but get the warning so I needed to create /tmp/0-nginx/p11-kit on B, then warning is over. On/From Machine A

root@b1d0c05c4ec6:~# ssh -R /tmp/0-nginx/p11-kit/pkcs11:${P11_KIT_SERVER_ADDRESS#*=}  root@
and then
root@1de661b77dbd:~# ls -l /tmp/0-nginx/p11-kit/pkcs11
srw------- 1 root root 0 Oct 17 10:56 /tmp/0-nginx/p11-kit/pkcs11
p11tool --provider /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkcs11/p11-kit-client.so --list-tokens
p11tool --provider /usr/local/lib/pkcs11/p11-kit-client.so --list-tokens

=> No token shows up with p11-kit-client.so on remote machine.

Did I make a mistake in any of the steps? Why are no tokens showing up on the remote machine when using p11-kit-client.so?