I am being inindated by what seems to be a hacker site. 3171 attempts since 9:41 AM – 11:57AM. How do I stop it?
Each day I check the Log file on my UDMPRO for threats (Triggers), and everyday I have the same Public IP addresses being denied access. Currently I have firewall rules setup to block them. I also have Intrusion Detection and Prevention in advanced mode activated.
Last week, I had my ISP change my Public IP address, but within a few minutes of booting my home Internet router they were already hitting the new IP address. The only device that they are trying to hit is my main laptop. Between 9:41AM and 11:57AM this morning there were 3171 individual log entries (Triggers) for the attempts and they were in the same 84.239.xxx.xxx. These attempts are going on 24/7. I have a firewall rule that blocks all incoming attempts from "84.239.xxx.xxx". I think that I will add "Outgoing" to the rule also, just to try, in case there is a program that is sending them info. Laptop is scanned every day, just to be sure. I used "Whois".. but that was useless. There are a few Public IP addresses that are blocked and are reserved by a company in Romania (per Google).
Does anyone have any thoughts on how this issue can be resolved? I am out of ideas.