XMGoat – Composed of XM Cyber terraform templates that help you learn about common Azure security issues
XM Goat is composed of XM Cyber terraform templates that help you learn about common Azure security issues. Each template is a vulnerable environment, with some significant misconfigurations. Your job is to attack and compromise the environments.
Here's what to do for each environment:
Run installation and then get started.
With the initial user and service principal credentials, attack the environment based on the scenario flow (for example, XMGoat/scenarios/scenario_1/scenario1_flow.png).
If you need help with your attack, refer to the solution (for example, XMGoat/scenarios/scenario_1/solution.md).
When you're done learning the attack, clean up.
- Azure tenant
- Terafform version 1.0.9 or above
- Azure CLI
- Azure User with Owner permissions on Subscription and Global Admin privileges in AAD
Run these commands:
$ az login
$ git clone https://github.com/XMCyber/XMGoat.git
$ cd XMGoat
$ cd scenarios
$ cd scenario_<\SCENARIO>
Where <\SCENARIO> is the scenario number you want to complete
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan -out <\FILENAME>
$ terraform apply <\FILENAME>
Where <\FILENAME> is the name of the output file
Get started
To get the initial user and service principal credentials, run the following query:
$ terraform output --json
For Service Principals, use application_id.value and application_secret.value.
For Users, use username.value and password.value.
Cleaning up
After completing the scenario, run the following command in order to clean all the resources created in your tenant
$ az login
$ cd XMGoat
$ cd scenarios
$ cd scenario_<\SCENARIO>
Where <\SCENARIO> is the scenario number you want to complete
$ terraform destroy