• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

Can my IP be found on Telegram by malicious people?

Çağlar Arlı      -    31 Views

Can my IP be found on Telegram by malicious people?

I have been threatened on a private group chat on Telegram. I want to know if it's possible for malicious people associated to who threatened me (hackers or experts) can get my IP address from Telegram messages/account or deleted Telegram messages/account and how.

Consider that:

  1. The name of my account is the first name of my real name (so, surname not included)
  2. I never clicked on any strange .bat file or any grabber link that redirected on other particular pages that could log my information like IP without me knowing, except for YouTube videos or normal stuff like that (Spotify, etc.)
  3. I never accepted or participated in calls (I know about the IP call vulnerability on P2P calls on Telegram)

To this point, how possible is it that someone is still able to get my IP address and therefore my exact location? And is this still possible even after the deletion of messages and account?

I know that IP and other sensitive information are stored on Telegram servers, and group chats are not P2P, so it would not be possible for someone to obtain anything from it using Wireshark or such.

So, if some malicious people truly wanted to get my IP, their only chance would be to get it from the Telegram server directly, do you confirm?