• caglararli@hotmail.com
  • 05386281520

what should be the response of keyupdate if the initial KeyUpdateRequest is set to update_not_requested not update_requested

Çağlar Arlı      -    14 Views

what should be the response of keyupdate if the initial KeyUpdateRequest is set to update_not_requested not update_requested

"The KeyUpdate handshake message is used to indicate that the sender is updating its sending cryptographic keys."

"If the request_update field is set to "update_requested", then the receiver MUST send a KeyUpdate of its own with request_update set to "update_not_requested" prior to sending its next Application Data record."

--> according to above 2 statements from rfc8446I understood that when keyUpdate is sent the sender indicating that it's keys are updated, which means when server sends a keyupdate with request_update it indicates that server keys are updated, and asking the server to update server keys on client end, and while client replies with keyupdate with update_not_requested , with this client keys are updated on both end, please let me know if my understanding is correct

Question2: what if the first keyupdate sent by serevr have update_not_requested instead of request_update , what should the reply be? and how can the client session keys be updated?